
Acute respiratory infections are a major cause of mortality and morbidity in young children worldwide .ARIs are heterogeneous group of diseases with different causative factors and it affects different parts of respiratory tract. In this study two teaching strategies used to improve the knowledge of mothers regarding acute respiratory infections in under-five children. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of STP and SIM on knowledge regarding prevention of ARI among the two groups; and compare the effectiveness of STP and SIM on knowledge regarding prevention of ARI among the two groups. The quasi experimental two group pretest post test design was adopted .Simple random technique was adopted to select 60 mothers .The data were generated structured interview schedule .STP &SIM developed on ARI .Content validity of self constructed knowledge questionnaire, STP and SIM were obtained from experts of related departments. Mother's knowledge regarding ARI was assessed by using structured interview schedule method. On the first day of data collection (pre test) for STP & SIM groups .STP was administered on the same day. On seventh day, again the same mother's knowledge was assessed (post-test) using the same tool. The reliability of tool was determined by using Spearman's Brown Prophecy formula. The reliability of the structured questionnaire was found to be 0.94 and validity of the tool found to be 0.973.The pilot was conducted on 10 mothers with constructed tool which it was found to be reliable. The mean post test knowledge score 22.33 and t-value (t (29)=16.018,P<0.01)of STP was apparently higher than SIM the mean post test knowledge score 19.77 and t-value (t (29)=9.424,P<0.01) respectively. Hence STP is more effective than SIM. The developed tool can be used for different categories of population to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategies. Implication of various aspects of nursing are addressed and recommendations for future research are discussed.

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