
Th e incidence of stroke is increased, and more than 50% of stroke patients suffer from upper limb disability, and 87% of motor damage to the upper limb occurs in the acute stage. About 30-60% of stroke patients never regain the motor function of the hands affected by a stroke, which can cause post-stroke patients difficulty in daily living activities. The purpose of this study is to systematically review research on the effectiveness of Mirror Therapy as a motor rehabilitation intervention in improving motor skills in post-stroke patients. A search strategy was applied to the Proquest and Science Direct database. The search results are then selected using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Only studies using quantitative methods were chosen of 155 articles found, 30 articles met the inclusion criteria. Most studies were reviewed using an experimental design of 9 articles from 9 studies examined to prove that Mirror Therapy can improve motor function, especially upper extremity. In enhancing further research, it is necessary to determine the optimal training intensity and duration of improvement to survive and generalize to other functional domains. It also needs to pay attention to the number and homogeneity of the subject (age, sex, level of disability, and the onset of stroke) so as not to bias the research results. Keywords : , motor ability , mirror therapy , post-stroke


  • ABSTRAK Insiden stroke meningkat dan lebih dari 50 % pasien stroke menderita cacat ekstremitas atas dan 87% kerusakan motorik pada ekstremitas atas terjadi stase akut

  • The incidence of stroke is increased, and more than 50% of stroke patients suffer from upper limb disability, and 87% of motor damage to the upper limb occurs in the acute stage

  • About 30-60% of stroke patients never regain the motor function of the hands affected by a stroke, which can cause post-stroke patients difficulty in daily living activities

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Metode systematic review ini menggunakan Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [10]. Database yang digunakan dalam melakukan pencarian adalah ProQuest dan Sciencedirect. Kata kunci yang diaplikasikan antara lain “mirror therapy”, “ motoric rehabilitation”, “post-stroke”. Kami menemukan kriteria inklusi antara lain artikel yang menggunakan desain penelitian RCT (Randomize Control Trial), perlakuan yang diberikan adalah mirror therapy, sampel adalah orang dewasa dan lansia pada kondisi post-stroke yang dihospitalisasi, dan parameter yang dinilai adalah fungsi motorik. Dua reviewer menerapkan seleksi berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan. Setelah memindai daftar referensi dari judul dan abstrak, sejumlah 30 artikel diunduh untuk proses seleksi lebih lanjut. Artikel yang diunduh kemudian diseleksi kembali berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Seleksi artikel Full Text: Artikel yang disingkirkan dari judul dan abstrak : 30 artikel. Alur seleksi artikel dapat dilihat pada gambar 1

Pasien Stroke Paresis Ekstremitas Atas
Pasien Stroke Paresis Lengan Atas
Pasien Stroke Hemiparesis
Pasien Stroke Nyeri Ekstremitas
Untuk functional electrical
Jumlah sampel
Khusus pada
Hongkong Jerman fungsi motorik dan fungsi keseharian setelah stroke
Mirror terapi
Pada pasien
Pasien stroke paresis sebagian lengan
Pasien stroke dengan Hemiparesis
Pasien stroke dengan paresis ekstremitas atas
Virtual Mirror dibandingkan menggunakan
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Paper version not known

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