
The focus of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing strategies for information services in government ministry libraries in Nairobi County. Lack of awareness on the value of government ministry libraries has contributed to their underutilization. The aim of the study was to investigate the marketing strategies adopted and how effective they are in the delivery of quality information services. Specific objectives of the study included: - a) establishing which information services are offered in government ministry libraries, b) establishing the marketing strategies used by government ministry libraries, c) assessing the marketing strategies in use in government ministry libraries and how effective they are towards improving access and usage of government ministry libraries. The study has been based on the Ansoff’s growth matrix theory. A descriptive survey research design was used; the target population comprised 5 heads of library services from the 5 selected government ministry libraries and 169 library users drawn by random sampling. Two data collection instruments were used; interview guide for the librarians in charge of the selected libraries and questionnaires administered to library users. Data collection instruments were subjected to pretesting and reviewed accordingly to ensure validity and reliability. The study involved the collection of qualitative as well as quantitative data. Analysis of quantitative data has been done using descriptive statistics and presented in the form of tables, figures, charts and graphs. Qualitative data has been analyzed thematically and presented in a narrative form. Logistical, ethical and legal issues were observed and upheld by ensuring adequate sensitization of the participants and adequate resources including time for the data collection process. The study established that most government ministry libraries in Nairobi County offered a variety of information services. Various marketing strategies are used, with customer friendliness and social media being the predominant strategies. Conducive physical environment, social media and customer friendliness were rated the most effective however the effectiveness’ of the strategies adopted in aiding usage of government information is moderate. Marketing of government ministry libraries in Nairobi County is largely informal and unintentional with little value assigned to it. The study recommends that all stakeholders be sensitized on the value of marketing information services in government ministry libraries. This should be to ensure that it becomes a core mandate of government ministries towards delivering quality services leveraging on quality information services.

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