
The work aims to study the effectiveness of herbicides application on potato varieties of different ripeness groups in the conditions northern forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Ob region. The authors obtained experimental data on leached chernozem in Novosibirsk district, Novosibirsk region, in 2017-2019. In their studies, the authors used common elements of potato cultivation tech- nology. The general background for potatoes in autumn fertiliser was applied at a dose of P60K90. Nitrogen fertilisers were used at a rate of 60 kg/ha in spring under pre-sowing cultivation. Herbicides Gezagard, Lazurit, Zenkor, Boxer, and mixtures of individual herbicides were applied before and after sprouting when potato plants were up to 12-14 cm high. Herbicides significantly reduced the infestation of potato varieties Lubava (early) and Tuleevsky (medium-season). The authors showed that the use of herbicides accelerated the processes of growth and development of potato varieties of two groups of ripeness. There was a significant increase in leaf area, photosynthetic potential, and 23-28% plant productivity. On a background of herbicides increase of yield by 30-35% is observed. There was an increase in the marketability of tubers by 10%. Used herbicides provided good quality and preservation of potato production. The authors note that the double application of herbicides Zenkor and Lazurit offers high rates of weed reduction. Thus yield and quality of presentation have high indicators. In tubers of potatoes, the residual quantity of herbicides is not detected. Application of herbicides economically and energetically practical. The level of profitability exceeds control 1,4 times on a background of double spraying by herbicides Zenkor and Lazurit.

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