
The introduction of the double reduction policy provides a strong policy basis and development power for the scientific implementation of quality education. Teachers' educational ideas, teaching methods and homework design have also changed accordingly. Homework is the main means for students to consolidate their knowledge, exercise their ability and develop their thinking. It is also an important extension of teachers' classroom teaching. It is an indispensable part in teaching and learning. In this educational context, when the "double reduction" policy comes, it is obviously a one-sided interpretation of the policy if only the number and difficulty are "reduced". Before that, the junior middle school chemistry homework management would increase the burden of students because of the lack of hierarchy, systematicness and life, which could not meet the requirements of the new era. Re-examination of the function of chemical operation under the background of "double reduction" Facing the sudden "double reduction". Chemistry homework management in junior high school not only needs to reduce the total amount of homework, carry out homework publicity system and implement education and teaching monitoring system, but also needs to solve problems with systematic thinking, and promote the reform of homework management through all-round education and teaching reform, so as to optimize the education ecology, promote the sound development of teaching environment and promote the steady improvement of education and teaching quality.

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