
What makes a leader successful? This question has been asked throughout the ages; before oneattempt to understand what makes a leader successful, one must first have a full comprehension ofwhat constitutes success and what constitutes a leader. To merely hold the position of a leader doesnot make one a leader. Success is largely an individualistic interpretation of personal increase orsatisfaction, whether physical, emotional, or psychological. One’s perception of success is influencedby the social contexts around the individual. A successful leader must possess certain characteristicsand have the ability to transform those characteristics into action. A person may understand, believe,and accept proper leadership techniques; however, if one is not able to implement those techniquesthe leadership would be flawed and the proper leadership model would break down under adverseconditions. Two basic factors contribute to one’s ability or inability to implement proper leadershiptechniques: first, emotional intelligence, the cognitive understanding and acceptance of basicleadership principles, and second, the ability to implement those principles, emotional maturity. Anindividual may possess one without the other yet their ability to be a successful leader will be inhibited.

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