
Purpose. The purpose of the article is an identifying the impact of regional water management dependence on economic growth in the region.
 Methodology / approach. The subject of the study is theoretical and methodological basics of a new scientific paradigm for regulation the development of the regional socio-economic systems under the conditions of limited water resources. The study used traditional and special research methods, including: historical and logical – to analyze the evolution of regional socio-economic systems under conditions of limited water resources; abstractions and analogies – to reveal the essence of water-efficient regional socio-economic systems in the modern processes of regionalization and globalization; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis – to specify the categorical apparatus; statistical analysis to assess the level of needs of regional socio-economic systems in water resources and create an index of regional water management dependence; method of correlation analysis (biserial correlation, using a point biserial Pearson’s correlation coefficient).
 Results. The main idea of the paper is to study the issues of development of regional socio-economic systems under the conditions of limited water resources. Considering this, the paper is aimed at studying the impact of regional water management dependence on economic growth in the region. The tasks for development of regional socio-economic systems on the basis of water efficiency are defined, as well as the concept “water-efficient regional socio-economic system” is defined. The study presents a hypothesis about the need to change the paradigm of regulation of regional development on the basis of water use efficiency and regional water management dependence. In order to trade effectively with the main crops, it is necessary to determine whether there are sufficient water supplies in a given country and its regions. For this purpose, the authors proposes to use own indicator, such as the index of regional water management dependence. Thе characteristic of water management dependence is given, from regions where only up to half of the water supply of the territory is used, and to regions where more than 100 % of the water supply of the territory is used. The research has updated that the expansion of knowledge and understanding of the specifics of the water sector can solve significant problems. It is proved that the economic growth of the Ukrainian economy due to the agricultural sector has its limits and is limited by the water management dependence of the territories, ie the limitation of certain territories of the regions of Ukraine in terms of water resources. The next effective economic growth is possible only through the implementation of water-efficient technologies and intensification of water-efficient activities in the region.
 Originality / scientific novelty. The study for the first time defines the concept of water-efficient regional socio-economic system, so it is a socio-economic system that provides for the restoration of water resources in the region, reducing the water intensity of gross regional product (GRP) and approaching European norms and proposes the classification of regions according to the index of regional water management dependence on the basis of its threshold values. A scientific and methodological approach to assessing the level of needs of regional socio-economic systems in water resources has been improved, based on the application of the index of regional water management dependence, which is proposed to calculate the ratio of total fresh water use in the region to the volume of available river runoff in the region (parts of the water potential). The classification of regional socio-economic systems according to the level of water supply has been improved, which is based on the definition of threshold values of the index of regional water management dependence. The methodological bases for assessing the impact of the spatial economy on regional development under conditions of limited water resources have been improved, which differ in substantiating the dependence of the level of development of regions on the available water potential of the territory.
 Practical value / implications. The results of the study allow a more comprehensive approach to the study of the problem of using water resources in Ukraine in the context of their limitation. The results of the study showed that the economic complex in most regions is water-intensive and unbalanced, as well as does not provide restoration of water resources by environmental parameters and requires the implementation of infrastructure schemes for redistribution of water resources between regions for economic activity. The results are recommended for consideration by local governments and regional administration for the development and implementation of “Regional programs for the development of water management in the region” and for the development of “Strategies for regional development until 2025–2027”.

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