
The study aim is to examine effective communication of organizational objectives and strategies as a Catholicon to employee performance. Specifically, the study examines the communication channels available for effective communication and employee performance, and also ascertain the possible challenges of effective communication and employee performance. Communication is beyond mere interaction between individuals and group in the business organizational settings. Keeping lower employees in the dark is simply wrong because they might fail to perform the expected task and responsibility assigned to them by their superiors. Most management don’t consider the involvement of employees in the development of business strategies rather they tend to establish strategies among the top guns in the company. The study adopted a descriptive survey design which will involve generating data from a sample of respondent at a given point in time. The sampled participants for this study comprised of thirty-four medium scale enterprise because the study is a macro level of analysis. Inferential statistics was used to reach conclusions and make generalizations about the study objectives based on data collected from the sample. The result of this study statistically shows that there is a significant correlation between communication channels available for effective communication and employee performance. Also, it revealed that there is a significant correlation between possible challenges of effective communication and employee performance. There should be development of effective communication channels/medium that will enable management to relate and communicate business objectives and strategies to achieve said objectives in expected time.

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