
This article aims to analyse and describe matters related to the principal’s leadership pattern that is effective and pleasing to all stakeholders in the Education Unit Institution. The effectiveness of a leader is the main key to achieving the school’s vision and mission. But the headmaster as a leader sometimes has to have a hard time pleasing everyone. What kind of leadership pattern of the principal can be said to be effective and able to please teachers and other employees? The type of research used in this article is a quantitative approach. The method in this study is interviews which will be analysed using descriptive analysis. The sample of this study 30 respondents from 49 teachers from SMA Negeri 1 Banyuasin III, the author used purposive sampling techniques with the researchers’ consideration of the samples. The data is a type of primary data with the distribution of questionnaires, then the data is analysed descriptively. The findings in this study are that effective and pleasant leadership of the principal can be seen from the performance of teachers and employees in the school and their positive feelings about what they do and experience. In the scientific field, writing this article will be a useful contribution in the field of education in order to improve the quality of education services, because it is directly with the achievement of teacher productivity as the heart of the success of achieving the vision and mission and goals of the school. The results of this study can also be taken into consideration for school principals, by paying attention to things that support the creation of effective and pleasant leadership in order to create a better performance system for an educator in carrying out their duties.

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