
Utilization of mangrove seeds is not as popular the use of wood tree. Utilization of wood from mangrove tree is used as raw material for making charcoal and building materials.The local community rarely uses mangrove seeds for food, drinks, scrubs and coloring. This is not enough of public knowledge about the benefits of mangrove seeds. The public mindset that the only sources of carbohydrates are rice and corn. There is not much knowledge about the potential and benefits of mangrove seeds as a coffee drink. The research method used in this research is experimental research. In this experiment, 3 repetitions of treatment and 3 replications. Water content data in the mangrove seed ground coffee was tested by normality test. The proximate test results show ash content of 1 to 4% when averaged is 2.6%. While the general requirement for roasted coffee (SNI.01.2983-1992) is 7-14% ash content. The color of coffee is influenced by the value of the extract content of the coffee, water soluble coffee juice will give it a deep black color ( Pastiniasih, 2012). The juice content of magrove coffee is high enough for each treatment so that the steeping gives a visually visible black color.


  • Mangrove adalah tanaman dikotil yang bisa beradaptasi dan hidup di perairan yang mengandung salinitas tinggi

  • Utilization of wood from mangrove tree is used as raw material for making charcoal and building materials.The local community rarely uses mangrove seeds for food, drinks, scrubs and coloring

  • Water content data in the mangrove seed ground coffee was tested by normality test

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Pengambilan sample penelitian yaitu jenis serbuk biji mangrove dan serbuk biji kopi. Kemudian sample di timbang kurang lebih 10g. Proses penyangraian biji kopi yang tergantung pada waktu dan suhu ditandai dengan perubahan kimiawi yang signifikan, Kopi yang telah disangrai kemudian digiling untuk mendapatkan kopi bubuk. Pada percobaan ini dilakukan ulangan sebanyak 3 kali perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan, Data kadar air didalam kopi bubuk buah mangrove diuji dengan uji normalitas. Uji normalitas adalah uji yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah sebuah data berdistribusi normal (Ghozali, 2006). Analisis ragam (ANOVA) dilakukan untuk mengetahui kadar air dalam kopi bubuk mangrove. Analisa statistik untuk pengolahan data pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan uji F rancangan percobaan. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan nyata diantara perlakuan yang diberikan, maka dilakukan perbandingan

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