
Background . In West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) the incidence of stunting was still high, which increased from 2016 (30.0%) and 2017 (37.2%). Children with poor nutrition, especially protein, will cause growth disruption so that children are less nutritious and stunted. Objective of the research: To determine the effect of adding bean paste to organoleptic properties, nutrient content and total plate number of analogue sausage microbes Kamete (Tempe red beans) . Research Methods. Experimental Method was carried out in a laboratory with a complete randomized design of one factor, namely the addition of red bean paste from the weight of tempeh flour consisting of 5 treatment levels (50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, and 150%) repetition 3 times . Organoleptic properties test using hedonic test, the results of the best organoleptic tests were tested for nutrient levels (water, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate) and total microbes. Research R esult . The proximate test results at the level of treatment of t5 analogue kamete sausages are containing 60.75% moisture content, 2.26% ash content, 8.38% fat, 8.74% protein, and 19.80% carbohydrate. Test results for moisture content, ash content and fat content have met the quality requirements of the Indonesian National Standard with a maximum water content of 67%, maximum ash content of 3%, maximum fat content of 25, while protein content and carbohydrate levels have not met the Indonesian National Standard, namely minimum protein 13% and carbohydrates up to 8%. Conclusion. The test results for the analogue microbial sausage kamete total plate number at the t5 treatment level of 2.6x102 colonies / ml meet the Indonesian National Standard because it is still below the threshold of the quality requirements of kamete analog sausages in the Indonesian National Standard which is a maximum of 105 colonies / g.

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