
The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in fatigue phenomena, by changing work postures in order to impove working condition of female laborers doing monotonous work in a standing posture.The work posture so far taken is 'standing', and those taken in our experiment are 'standing with buttock rest' and 'sitting'. In examining the subjective fatigue symptoms, the laborers who worked 'standing' and who worked 'standing with buttock rest' made tendentiously higher complaints than those who worked 'sitting'. The performance of the former were significantly higher than those of the latter. In CFF (Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency) and patellar reflex test nosignificant difference was made by work postures. In CFF they all took the patterns peculiar to monotonous work. Estimations of %Vo2 max. were 20.7% (standing), 19.4% (standing with buttock rest) and 16.7% (sitting); There was significant difference between 'standing' and ' sitting'.The result of these experiments suggest that sitting work gives lighter load work than the others, but than it showed significantly lower performances.

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