
Compounds like Urea and Ammonium formate can be used to generate the reducing agent, NH3 in De-NOx Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems (SCR). In Urea-SCR, optimized Urea-Water Solution (UWS) injection is a key factor for ammonia (NH3) distribution in SCR mixing chamber. The present simulation study emphasizes the effect of UWS injection strategies and positioning of the injector on NH3 conversion efficiency through parametric studies at temperature range of 300–400°C using CFD code AVL FIRE. Simulations were carried out for three spray angles of UWS injection at two different UWS injector positions. For lower spray angles, the NH3 concentration was low and it found to increase with an increase in spray angle. The optimized spray angle is necessary in balancing both NH3 genartion and wall interaction. The 3D-simulations considering residence time for various spray angles determine the time to achieve maximum NH3 concentration in SCR mixing domain. The shifting of injector position leads to variation in urea decomposition and distribution of NH3 in the SCR chamber.

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