
Oil (17,000 1) was spilled from Turoa Skifield on Mt Ruapehu and entered the headwaters of the Mangawhero and Makotuku Rivers where it persisted for up to 5 months. Brown trout, rainbow trout, long-finned eels, and blue duck were not killed. However, in the upper reaches, aquatic insects were disturbed and killed by the oil spill within 2 weeks. The total numbers of aquatic insects were not significantly affected at the lower stations within Tongariro National Park over the following year. The mayflies Deleatidium nr myzobranchia B and D. nr lillii A (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) were significantly reduced in numbers in the Makotuku River following the oil spill and may be indicator species for oil pollution. Comparisons with overseas studies confirmed a recovery time of at least 6 months for the “sensitive” orders of aquatic insects following an oil spill of this magnitude.

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