
Buckling is a critical failure phenomenon in the columns and pressure vessels subjected to external pressure and axial compressive loads. Generally pressure vessels and submarines will subject to these type of loads and tends to buckle. According to formulation buckling load is the product of the buckling load multiplier and applied load. In the case of the cylinders the buckling load will be affected by many factors such as length, thickness, diameter, cross section and temperature etc. Typically fluids will be stored in the pressure vessels and then exposed to ambient environment or customized environment. In the present work real life conditions are applied as inner fluid temperature (T1), external convective heat transfer (h). Buckling load of cylinder subjected to combined axial compressive load and external pressure was studied by varying the length to thickness ratio(L/T), inner fluid temperature(T1), convection heat transfer co-efficient(h), ambient temperature(T2). Then the critical parameters which influence the buckling load multiplier are concluded.

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