
AIM: Of the investigation was to assess the therapeutic efficacy of ointment based on benzosulfonate 1-ethyl-3-methyl-4,5-bis(N-methylcarbomoyl) imidazolium, an imidazol derivative, on healing of a thermal skin damage (burn wound) in rats.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS: In experiments on 150 male rats weighing 180200 g, the wound-healing effect of an ointment based on benzosulfonate 1-ethyl-3-methyl-4,5-bis(N-methylcarbomoyl) imidazolium (IEM-1181) after experimental thermal skin damage was studied. The ointment containing 10% of the compound IEM-1181 was prepared by the pharmacopoeial method based on lanolin. The control was the placebo effect (the basis of the ointment). For comparison, we used Solcoseril (ointment, Solco, Switzerland). Thermal damage to the skin of rats under ether anesthesia was carried out with a special device consisting of a metal plate and a temperature controller. The surface of the plate with a diameter of 1,5 cm was heated for 15 minutes to a temperature of 80С, and then applied to the pre-cut skin of the rats back (from the scapula caudally) for 15 seconds. After 24 hours, the skin of the animals developed damage to the epidermis and partially underlying dermis, corresponding to a grade II burn. The dynamics of changes in the burn wound was evaluated by 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70 days along the length of the contour bounding the affected area, using a curvimeter.
 RESULTS: It was found that 1-ethyl-3-methyl-4,5-bis(N-methylcarbomoyl) imidazolium benzosulfonate has a wound-healing effect in thermal skin damage in rats. With topical application of the ointment containing the test compound, the time of complete healing of the wound formed at the site of the burn defect was reduced by 30%, healing took place without signs of inflammation, with the formation of an elastic scar.
 CONCLUSIONS: Based on the conducted studies, it can be concluded that the ointment based on benzosulfonate 1-ethyl-3-methyl-4,5-bis(N-methylcarbomoyl) it has a wound-healing effect in thermal damage to the skin comparable in terms of the duration and degree of healing of burn defects with Solcoseril and can be the drug of choice for the treatment of grade II burns.

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