
In 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic started in China, and the number of people infected with the disease worldwide, including those in our country, increased significantly between 2019 and 2021; in this context, many economic and social problems were encountered that the whole world was not prepared for it. In 2022, social and economic issues will continue because of the fact that the disease continues and the world as a whole is unprepared for the disease. The pandemic has brought new rules, such as wearing masks, social distancing, hygiene, etc., because of the disease’s rapid transmission capacity. Governments have taken many measures, including curfews, and tried to prevent the spread of the epidemic during the pandemic period. With the pandemic, people’s payment methods to buy their needs necessary to continue their lives have been the subject of our study. New payment technology was created in shopping points because people cannot go out on the streets and do not want to touch payment devices. This study mentions the developments and changes in payment technologies during the pandemic, our usage habits, and our adaptations to new technologies. When it comes to 2022, along with the pandemic period, it is seen that the habits gained in payment technologies continue.

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