
The study investigated the effect of testosterone administration on the eating and mating behaviour of female albino rats. Nine (9) female Wister (albino) rats and three (3) stimulus male albino rats were obtained from the Faculty Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Uyo. The female albino rats weighed 165 to 215 g before administration of testosterone, and 173 to 235 g during the experimental week. The age range of the rats was from 10 to 12 weeks with a mean age of 11 weeks. A within-subject design was used in the study, with a judgmental/purposive non-probability sampling technique adopted. The females were grouped in threes and labelled group 1, group 2, and group 3 while the 3 males were housed in one cage and labelled accordingly. Before the commencement of the experiment, the rats were allowed to acclimatize for a period of two weeks of which food and waters were given ad libitum. After the first nine days, two female albino rats were sampled from the cages – group 1 (rats B and C), group 2 (rats D and E), and group 3 (rats G and H) for blood samples collection to determine their testosterone levels before administration of testosterone propionate. During the experiment, the females’ rats were administered difference level of testosterone concentration. Group 1 was administered 0.5 ml testosterone concentration (low dose), group 2 received 1 ml testosterone concentration (medium dose), and group 3 received 1.5 ml testosterone concentration (high dose). Thereafter, testosterone analysis was carried out on the blood samples collected from the female rats; testosterone concentration in the rats after administration was greater than testosterone concentration before administration. The paired sample t-test and one-way MANOVA was used to analyse the data generated. Results obtained showed that when testosterone levels of the female albino rat increased following testosterone administration, their mean eating behaviour increased from 36.77 to 85.44, while their mean mating behavior also increased from 34.44 to 44.88. Thus, the H1 paired sample t-test showed a t-value of -3.091 with df of 8. The result was significant with p<0.0005, so H1 was accepted. For H2, t-value was also significant at t = -2.74, p<0.005, df of 8 and also accepted. H3 was also significant and accepted at [f (2, 8) = 21.57; p < 0.05] and [F = (2, 8) 7.706; p < 0.05] respectively. In conclusion, the female albino rats eat more after testosterone administration. They also engaged more in mating behaviour after testosterone administration. Hence, the study recommends that married women who have a sexual desire should use testosterone replacement therapy for better results. This should, however, be used moderately.

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