
Abstract Washing is one of the common technologies in the chlorinated organic pollution site repair, surfactant adding would help washing more chlorinated organics pollution, but it also can be dissolved in eluent with the chlorinated organic together, and increase the difficulty of the eluent treatment. In this text, three surfactants, anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, SDBS), cationic surfactant (hexadecylpyridinium bromide hydrate, HBH), and nonionic surfactant (Triton X-100, TX-100), would be added in the polluted soil eluent, to study the effect on the dechlorination of HCB by Ag/Fe bimetal and the surface corrosion of Fe in the eluent. The experimental results showed that different surfactant and different surfactant concentration all affected the dechlorination. Nonionic surfactant would promoted the dechlorination significantly; Cationic surfactant promoted the dechlorination in lower concertration and impeded it in higher concentration; Anionic surfactant promoted the dechlorination only in higher concentration. Meanwhile, these three surfactants could not intensify the surface corrosion of Fe, and keep the reaction activity of the Ag/Fe bimetal for a long time. Hence, during the treatment for the eluent by Ag/Fe bimetal, the nonionic surfactant and the anionic surfactant would be recommended, and the cationic surfactant should try to be avoided.

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