
Pattern electroretinograms (P-ERGs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to 4 Hz alternating square-wave gratings were simultaneously recorded in 23 subjects. Responses were Fourier analyzed and amplitude and phase of the 2nd and 4th temporal harmonics were measured. The spatial frequency-amplitude function of the P-ERG 2nd harmonic component displayed either a bandpass tuning behavior, or a low-pass behavior. The peak amplitude for subjects with bandpass tuning was at 1.5 c/deg. The phase of the P-ERG 2nd harmonic decreased monotonically as spatial frequency increased. The VEP 2nd harmonic had a bimodal spatial frequency function with a peak at 3 c/deg and a second increase at spatial frequencies below 1 c/deg, regardless of the P-ERG characteristics. The phase of VEP 2nd and 4th harmonic had an inverted U-shaped function with peak at 3 c/deg and 1.5 c/deg respectively. Comparison of simultaneously recorded P-ERG and VEP spatial frequency functions demonstrated different tuning behavior for cortical and retinal responses. It is concluded that the proposed technique permits the separate analysis of retinal and cortical processing of visual information. The 2nd and 4th harmonic components of VEP behave independently of each other suggesting they may be generated by different subsystems.

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