
The present study was canied out in the experimental farm, Sakha Agricultureal Research Station, Kafer El-sheikh governorate during 2003/04 and 2004/05 winter seasons, to investigate the effect of some weed control treatments on growth, productivity and quality of cabbage (arassea oleracea var capitata). Each experiment included nine treatments i.e butralin, pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen, mebibuzin + fluazirop-p-butyl, metosulam + fluazifop­p-butyl, oxadiargyl 120, oxadiargyl 200, hand hoeing twice and weedy check. The obtained results indicated that all weed oontrol treatments exerted significant efficacy in controlling annual weeds present in both seasons. The superior treatments were oxyfluorfen, metribuzin + fluazifop•p-butyl, hand hoeing twice and oxadiaigyl on controlling Amarandius cruentus, Malva parvillora, Cordiorus olitorius and Portulaca oleracea as annual broad leaf weeds, and metribuzin + fluatfop-p-butyl, metosulam +fluazifop-p-W, oxadiargyl 200 and hand hoeing twice on controlling Dinebra retroflexa as annual grassy weed. The results were reflected yield increases and its components. The best tre_atmads on increasing the number and weight of edible leaves were metribuzin + fluazifop-pltut,1 and hand hoeing twice, the highest head quality was obtained by oxadiargyl 200 and pendimethalin, while the highest head characterisbcs and plant yield (tonifed) was observed in the hand hoeing twice and pendimethalin treatments. In addition, the highest net return was obtained by pendimethalin, hand hoeing twice and oxyfluorfen. Thus, these herbicidal treatments can replace hand hoeing for controlling annual weeds in cabbage crop.

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