
The field experiment was conducted at the vegetable field of the Department of Horticulture and lands scape at the Faculty of Agriculture / Anbar University Abu Ghraib (alternative site) for the winter planting season 2016-2017 to study the effect of soilless agriculture and carbolizer spraying on some growth and yield lettuce. The study included two types of solutions containing all the ingredients in the preparation, but they differ between the concentration of calcium were150 and 300 mg L-1 and four concentrations of carbolizer were 0, 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 ml. The results showed that both nutritive and carbolizer solutions increased head length, head diameter, leaf area, dry weight and root length, were 50.74, 13.63, 29.15, 59.00 cm and 52.10 g respectively compared with the control which given the lowest values were 42.27, 11.10, 17.69, 248.89 cm and 7.67 g on the out her head increased comertial of head weight total head weight and total comertial yield were 565.7 g and 608.0 g، 113.1 tons e-1, 121.67 tons h-1 1compared with the control, which given the lowest values were 455.3 g, 488.7 g, 90.5 tons h-1, 97.73 tons h-1 It is also clear from the results of the mtraetion between the two factors of this study given an increase in most of the studied traits.

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