
The effect of the shape factor on the electrokinetic response of pressure-driven liquid flow through slot-like capillaries is analyzed in this work. The electrokinetic response is found by first solving for the electrical potential using the Poisson–Boltzmann equation, and then using it as an input to construct an external force term in the Navier–Stokes equation. It is found that flow properties are significantly modified for small pore sizes with hydraulic radius in the range of microns and submicrons, according to the properties of the electrolyte solution. The modified flow rate in the presence of such electrokinetic effects can be less than 50% of the predictions expected with conventional flow models such as Darcy's equation. Apparent viscosities larger than expected are calculated using the reduced flow. Actual values are dependent on the capillary dimensions, pressure gradient, solid-surface conductivity, and properties of the electrolyte fluid. For a rectangular capillary cross-sectional geometry the apparent viscosity and friction coefficients values decrease with the shape factor in a nontrivial way. These results are relevant for the modelling of certain porous formations of interest to the oil industry.

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