
Ajirna is the one of the most common disease which is originate from digestive insufficiency (Agni). Agni is one of the basic biological elements of the living body. Agnimandya is the root cause for the development of many diseases. Agni present in the Jathara which digest and metabolize the food and assist in growth of the body. All the diseases arise as a result of less, excessive and irregular digestion of food known as Mandagni, Tikshnagni or Vishamagni respectively. Agni may get disturbed by erratic lifestyle and abnormal dietetic regimen. Disturbed functions of Agni cause indigestion of food are termed as Ajirna (indigestion). Ajirna is the most important source of production of Ama and favors genesis of diseases. Arjina are described as Lakshan as well as Vyadhi. In the Ajirna, so many other conditions are described under common and specific etiological factors. Langhana, Vaman, Swedan Chikitsa was mentioned by Sushruta while treating Ajirna. According to condition of the situation and strength of the patient, this patient was successfully treated with Shaman Chikitsa like Langhan, Dipan, Pachan and Anuloman. A case study of 72 years old female patient with complaints of Kshudhamandya, Shiroshula, Urodaha, Udarshula, Asamyaka Malapravrutti, Bhramaprachiti for 5-6 months was treated with Shaman Chikitsa. A case recorded and treated in our institute. Significant results were seen in patient. Encouraging results were obtained which are presented in full paper.

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