
To study the effect of Lekhan Basti with Udavartana in the Management of Sthaulya. The study was conducted to evaluate cost effective and convenient treatment for Sthaulya in Ayurved. Obesity means accumulation of excess body fat in the body. Obesity increases various disease and complications particularly Cardio-vascular diseases, Type 2 Diabetes, Obstructive sleep apnea, Cancer, Osteoarthritis and Depression. As per Modern medicine, the management of Obesity include lifestyle changes, medications, or surgery advised but medications advised have so many side effects like heart valve problem, blood vessel problem. Also, surgery is not a cost-effective therapy. So that, to find out cost effective management in Obesity through Ayurveda following study was carried out. Charak has mentioned Sthaulya (~Obesity) as Santarpan-janya Vikar, accumulation of excessive Meda and Mansa Dhatu. Management in Ayurveda for Sthaulya consists of Langhana, Shodhan and Shaman Chikitsa. Sushruta has described Lekhan Basti in Sthaulya. In all classical texts, Udavartana is mentioned as part of Dincharya and for Sthaulya. Udvartana procedure remove the foetid odours, alleviates aggravated Kapha and Meda. A case study of 38 years old female patient with Sharirbhar Vriddhi for 10 years, Katishula and Ubhaya Janusandhi Shula since 2 years was treated with Lekhan Basti and Udvartana. Encouraging results were obtained which are presented in full paper. A case recorded and treated in our institute. Significant reduction in weight from 103kg to 93kg and BMI from 45.41 to 39.5 was seen in patient in one month without exercise.

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