
Abstract The test was conducted for determination of early insecticide treatment effects on cotton and the pest/predator complex that occurs in May and Jun. Cotton was planted on 16 Apr in 40 inch rows. Plots were 8 rows × 95 ft replicated 4 times. Insecticides were applied with a high-clearance sprayer equipped with a CO2 system for spraying small plots, delivering 3 gal/acre with 2 X-4 hollow cone nozzles/row. Early season treatments were started at pinhead square stage of cotton and applied 4 times, on 28 May, 3, 10, and 25 Jun. White flowers/95 row ft were counted on 19, 24, and 26 Jun. Sweep net data were collected by making 25 sweeps/plot 31 May and 4 Jun. Other insecticides applied for major pest and/or secondary insect control were: 16 Apr; Temik + Terraclor Super-X 0.75 + 0.25 + 1.0 lb Al/acre, 5 Jul; Pydrin (2.4EC) + Fundal (4E) 0.05 + 0.125, 25 Jul; Baythroid (2E) 0.03, 6 Aug; Curacron (6E) + Galecron (4E) 0.75 + 0.125, 12 Aug; Guthion (2L) 0.25, 25 Aug; Baythroid (2E) 0.033. On 5 Sep the test was defoliated with Folex + Dropp 1.2 + 0.1 and Prep 1.0 was applied on 11 Sep. Four rows from each plot were harvested on 18 Sep with a 2 row John Deere picker, equipped with a sacking device. Yields were converted to lb seedcotton/acre.

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