
In Cameroon, despite the increased growing of cashew in recent years, orchard yields remain low due to the quality of seed and unsuitable peasant farming practices. This work realized in the nursery at Wakwa aimed at evaluating the effect of different concentrations of salt on cashew germination and growth. The trial was conducted during the rainy season. The substrate was made up of a mixture of sand, black soil and cow manure respectively at 1/4, 1/2 and 1/4. Seeds were soaked in different proportions of salt solution (5%, 10% and 15%) for 24 hours. The experimental design was a complete randomized block comprising four treatments, each of which was replicated three times. Treatments consisted of different percentage of salt (5%. 10% and 15%) and the control without salt (0%). Salt concentration acted in different ways on germination, survey rate and plants growth. Germination inhibition by salt changed according to the salt concentration and time, being highest at the start of experiment and decrease over time. At 28DAS, 5% and 10% concentrations did not have an inhibitory effect, which made it possible to improve survey rate at this time. Conversely, 15% had a stimulating effect on the vigor and plants growth of cashew. This study showed that soaking cashew seeds in the salt after 24 hours at different concentration does not delay germination and concentration 15% allow to obtained well growth and more vigorous plants.

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