
At present, the most important method for the detection of thyroid hormones in hospitals in China is radioimmunoassay. Besides radioimmunoassay, there are blood test and antibody test methods for thyroid hormone detection. However, after long-term clinical investigations, the accuracy of the results of thyroid hormone detection by radioimmunoassay has been affected by many factors. Possible influencing factors include inaccurate thyroid hormone test results due to improper way of blood collection by nurses and improper way of keeping and transporting blood samples by nurses. Therefore, this paper analyzes and discusses the influencing factors of the accuracy of thyroid hormone (T4) detection by radioimmunoassay technology. In this paper, we conducted research using statistical analysis of clinical data, improved separation methods for quality control in the laboratory, and blood specimen collection methods. Radioimmunoassay occurs with antibodies. Of the 10 batches of 964 cases in the improved separation methods for quality control in the laboratory, 154 mismatched items accounted for 16%, and the error of method and operation only accounted for 5.8% of unmatched specimens, most of which were the biochemical characteristics and clinical manifestations of thyroid hormones. The blood sample collection method research found that mild hemolysis had no significant effect on the measurement results, severe hemolysis had a tendency to affect the results, and blood collection tubes had no effect on the test results. Mild hemolysis refers to the increase in the rate of red blood cell destruction due to various internal and external factors in the body. The symptoms when mild hemolysis occurs are generally not obvious. Severe hemolysis refers to a disease caused by blood group incompatibility, mainly referring to immune hemolysis caused by blood group incompatibility between mother and baby, as well as severe jaundice or severe anemia. The statistical analysis of clinical data found that, among 160 patients, the reasons for the inaccuracy of T4 results using radioimmunoassay technology were as follows: 104 patients were inaccurate due to personal factors, and the results were due to hospital factors. A total of 56 patients had inaccurate results. During the measurement of thyroid hormone, it will be affected by many factors. For this reason, the influencing factors of the accuracy of radioimmunoassay should be clarified, and appropriate measures should be taken to deal with it, so as to give full play to the role of radioimmunoassay and improve the detection.

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