
In this paper we investigate the effects of quantum correction on the Jeans instability of self-gravitating viscoelastic dusty electron-ion quantum fluids. The massive self-gravitating dust grains are assumed to be strongly coupled and non-degenerate having both viscous and elastic behavior while the inertialess electrons and ions are considered as weakly coupled and Fermi degenerate. The hydrodynamic model is modified and a linear dispersion relation is derived employing the plane wave solutions on the linearized perturbation equations for the considered system. It is observed that the dispersion properties are affected due to the presence of viscoelastic effects and quantum statistical corrections. The modified condition of Jeans instability and expression of critical Jeans wavenumber are obtained. Numerically it is shown that viscoelastic effects, dust plasma frequency and quantum statistical effects all have stabilizing influence on the growth rate of gravitationally Jeans mode. The growth rates are also compared in kinetic and hydrodynamic limits and it is found that decay in the growth of unstable Jeans mode is larger under the kinetic limits than the hydrodynamic limits. The results are discussed for the understanding of formation of dense degenerate dwarf star through gravitational collapsing which is assumed to be strongly coupled dusty quantum fluid where the strongly coupled dust provides inertia and Fermi degenerate electron and ions provide quantum statistical effects.

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