
Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have an important role in cell differentiation. Previous study reported that PEMFs had positive and negative effect towards cell differentiation that depends on their frequencies applied to the cells. Human adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are mesenchymal stem cells that have an ability to differentiate into several types of cell including adipocytes, chondrocytes and osteocytes. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of human ASCs towards their adipogenic differentiation during PEMFs exposure. Human ASCs were isolated from adipose tissue. The cells then cultured in specific medium of adipocyte that induced ASCs differentiation along with PEMFs exposure. The maximum magnetic field used is 2 mT with a frequency of 75 Hz. To confirm the effect of PEMFs exposure towards adipogenic differentiation, mRNA expression of lipo protein lipase (LPL) was measured in mRNA expression level. The results showed that ASCs cultured on adipogenic differentiation without PEMFs exposure gradually increased LPL expression until day 14 of observation, while ASCs with PEMFs exposure significantly decreased LPL expression from day 2 to day 14. Based on the results, we concluded that PEMFs exposure can inhibit LPL expression that suppressed adipogenic differentiation.

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