
Introduction: With a high burden among pregnant women and children under five years of age, malaria infection remains a real health problem, for these vulnerable segments of the population. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of malaria infection in children aged 0-5 years attending the Moanda medical centre in south-eastern Gabon. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional survey was conducted among children aged 0-5 years who came to the Moanda medical centre in January to December 2021, using the results of microscopic examinations (thick drops) recorded in the laboratory registers of the centre. Results: Out of 770 children aged 0 to 5 years registered for this study, 302 were positive for malaria infection, a total prevalence of 39.22%. With a mean age of 24.21 months, boys (415 cases, 53.90%) were more prevalent than girls (355 cases, 46.10%). While the 0-12 months age group was in the majority with 113 cases of malaria infection, i.e. 37.42%, the study showed no significant correlation between gender, age groups and malaria infection. The distribution of malaria infection by type of quater showed that it was more prevalent in the under-integrated (disadvantaged) quaters with n=182, i.e. 60.26% cases, than in the integrated quaters. The seasonal evolution of malaria infection according to age groups revealed two peaks, which represented periods of higher prevalence. The periods between the months of February and March, which are included in the short rainy season, and the month of June, which had the highest peak, corresponding to the long dry season. Conclusion: The prevalence of malaria infection in the study area showed seasonal variation during the study period. The results of this survey may be useful for a future update of the epidemiological profile of malaria infection in children aged 0-5 years. This may be essential to guide resource allocation, evaluation and prioritisation of malaria interventions at Moanda Medical Centre.

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