
Probiotics are by definition live microbial feed supplements that, as shown in clinical trials, improve the host animal's gut microbial balance. Dietary changes, an increase in the consumption of indigestible carbohydrates, and the consumption of live bacteria with human origin are all methods for influencing the microflora. This latter idea is often frequently referred to as replacement therapy or bacteriotherapy. Due to their naturally occurring casein, calcium, and phosphorus content, milk products are regarded safe for teeth and may have positive effects on the salivary microbial composition and the suppression of caries development. Bifidobacteria are common in deep caries lesions in the mouth and may be crucial to the development of caries. Although the impact on people with the greater levels of salivary mutans streptococci has been found to be rather small, yogurt with living bacteria generally had a significantly lowering effect on these bacteria. Lactobacilli are more closely related to carious dentine and the progressing front of caries lesions than to the start of the dental caries process. They have the ability to create low molecular weight bacteriocins with inhibitory activity against a variety of bacterial species, including oral streptococci.

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