
Studies have shown that increasing dry bean production in many rural agricultural centers in Africa is a problem. In an effort of overcoming this limiting problem, economic use of land by increasing seed rate during planting time per unit area has become common. Efforts of realizing high yields by increasing seed rate per unit area seemed not to bear much fruit due to lack of knowledge on timely planting and plant population. Three different areas in central Kenya were evaluated for the relationship between timely planting dates and plant population in dry bean production. The study aimed at evaluating the effect of dry bean production, in response to planting dates and plant population in Chelelang variety of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). The study took note on the following growth parameters; the number of pods per plant, pods length, number of seed per pod and grain yield. Each plot layout measured 4x4 m. There were 9 plots in each of the 3 blocks. A path of about 1m was left between blocks. Each plot received treatment combinations assigned randomly. Using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) the experiment was replicated three times. Factors were three planting dates 10th March, 20th April and 5th May and three plant densities; 1 seed / hill, 2 seeds / hill and 3 seeds/ hill. All the trials received similar field management treatments. Data was collected, organized, and analyzed by use of SPSS (Version 22) and the means separated by use of Least Significant Difference (LSD).The study results indicate that planting date and the plant population are significant on length of the pods, number of pods and final grain yield but no significance influence in seed numbers per pod. The study recommend that farmers should observe planting dates and proper plant population as a way of obtaining good harvest in common bean (phaseolus vulgaris)

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