
The effects of plant density, grass competition and weedicide spraying on the expression of the creeping-rooted character, crown development and on forage production of Cancreep were investigated in swards of hand-planted seedlings, and in a sown experiment. Higher percentages of creeping-rooted plants and increased crown development were found at low plant density whereas high plant density suppressed both creep and crown development. Weedicide spraying treatments increased the percentage of creeping plants in the sown experiment. The best survival rates of cocksfoot and optimum expressions of creep were also found at low densities when these species were grown in competition. The minimum mean crown diameter of plants initiating creep was 9.4 cm in the planted experiment. No significant difference was found between forage production of Cancreep and Hunter River in the sown experiment. The optimum sowing rate for Cancreep is about one kg ha-1, rows 30 cm to 60 cm apart and an application of the weedicide Diuron is recommended before the commencement of the winter after establishment.

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