
The results of research on the influence of physiologically active substances on the growth, development and yield of soybean in the conditions of the Middle Volga region are presented. The study of preparations was carried out on the released soybean variety Yuzhanka. The preparations Mival Agro, Vitanol NP (N 10%, P 30%), Vitanol NP (N 30%, P 10%) and NanoSilica were applied at the dosages recommended by the manufacturers. The experiment scheme included four variants of treatments with preparations and control (water). The preparations were applied for pre-sowing seed treatment and spraying of vegetative plants. The growth regulator Mival Agro (seed and plant treatment) provided a 23.1% increase in yield. Treatment with Vitanol NP (N 10%, P 30%) gave an 18.3% yield increase compared to the control. The highest yield was obtained in the variant with Vitanol NP treatment (N 30%, P 10%), which exceeded the control variant by 68.8%. The yield increase when treated with NanoSilicon exceeded the control variant by 29.4%. Application of all physiologically active substances had a positive effect on the growth, development and productivity of soybean plants. Application of Vitanol NP (N 10%, P 30%) had a positive effect on the yield structure parameters such as plant height (527 cm) and lower bean attachment height (15.8 cm). Vitanol NP (N 30%, P 10%) and NanoSilica preparations contributed to the increase in the number of beans (18.1–18.2 pcs). Also, the studied preparations had a positive effect on 1000 seed weight, plant height and height of the lower bean attachment, compared to the control.

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