
This research aims to investigate the effects of phosphate and lime fertilizer on the growth and production of soybean plants in a former wetland. It was carried at the Experimental Field of the Agriculture Faculty, Samudra University Langsa, at a height of 3 meters above sea level (MASL) and a soil pH of 5.5. The results showed that phosphate fertilizer had a significant effect on plant height at the age of 30 DAP, the number of pods per polybag, the number of filled pods, the weight of dry seeds per polybag, and the weight of 100 dry seeds; however, it had no significant effect on plant height at the age 10 and 20 DAP, as well as on the number of productive branches. The most effective type of phosphate fertilizer found in this research was P3 (TSP). The most effective type of lime fertilizer found in this study was K2 (Dolomite). The combination of phosphate and lime fertilizer found to have a significant effect on the number of pods per polybag and the number of filled pods. The best combination of phosphate and lime fertilizer was P3K2 (TSP + Dolomite) giving the best results.

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