
Introduction. High-quality varietal seeds, which can ensure a gain of 0.2–0.4 t/ha in the yields from their offspring, is one of the most important and cost-effective means to increase the gross grain collection of grain.
 Purpose. To study productive capacities of spring wheat seeds depending on treatment of fields with fungicides and insecticides.
 Materials and methods. The following indicators were evaluated: swelling activity, germination energy, laboratory germinability, initial growth strength, coleoptile length and the number of radicles. Seed samples that after pesticide treatment had showed the best results were tested in field experiments for productive capacities. The experimental plot area was 10 m2, in six replications. Seeds were sown with a seeder SN-10Ts after soybean with a seeding rate of 5 million germinable seeds per hectare. Spring wheat seeds produced in the experimental plots, which were treated with fungicides Akula (0.6 L/ha) and Soligor 425 EC (0.6 L/ha) and insecticides Fas (0.15 L/ha) and Karate Zeon 050 CS (0.15 L/ha) in organogenesis stages VI, VIII and X, were evaluated for productive capacities. The study was carried out on varieties MIP Zlata, Bozhena, MIP Raiduzhna and Diana.
 Results and discussion. Over the study years, the gain in the yields of spring wheat varieties grown from seeds of fungicide-treated plants was 0.23–0.36 t/ha; the gain in the yields of spring wheat varieties grown from seeds of insecticide-treated plants was – 0.24-0.31 t/ha. Pesticide-treated parental plants produced seeds with increased productive capacities: when such seeds were sown, the field germinability increased by 3-5%, and the plant survival – by 5-7%.
 Conclusions. The results indicate that the treatment of vegetating plants of spring wheat varieties in seed plots with fungicides and insecticides is a reliable way to obtain seeds with high productive capacities


  • On average for the two years, the gain in the yields of spring wheat grown from seeds of fungicide-treated varieties MIP Zlata, Bozhena, MIP Raiduzhna, and Diana amounted to 0.23–0.36 t/ha

  • Given the conflicting views on the relationships between individual quality indicators and productive capacities of seeds, we evaluated such correlations in the experiments on the influence of abiotic and anthropogenic factors on the sowing qualities and productive capacities of spring wheat seeds in 2019–2020

  • To more objectively assess the productive properties of seeds, in addition to the indicators specified in the State Standard of Ukraine (DSTU 2240-93), we think that in some cases it is expedient to determine indicators that strongly correlate with productive capacity

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M.O. Kindruk et al [1] thought that the productive capacities of seeds included a wide range of ideas that different seeds of the same genotype (variety) under the same farming conditions of trials could give various yields, and plants could differ in phenotypic and economic characteristics. Kindruk et al [1] thought that the productive capacities of seeds included a wide range of ideas that different seeds of the same genotype (variety) under the same farming conditions of trials could give various yields, and plants could differ in phenotypic and economic characteristics They highlighted that there was disagreement between scholars and experts concerning the wording "productive capacities" or "yielding qualities." In their view, both of these terms reflect the same concept, in modern literature the term "productive capacities" is most often used. To study productive capacities of spring wheat seeds depending on treatment of fields with fungicides and insecticides

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