The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of replacement of soybean meal with alfalfa meat at 0.25.50 and 75% levels on growth performance, feed utilization and the whole body chemical composition. Theexperiment was conducted in fiberglass tanks belouging to the Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Four dietary treatments were performed, each in three replicates, where male Nile tilapia with an initialweight of 27.50g were stocked in fiber glass tanks 50 fish / tank (1m3 total volume) and fed on diets contianing 0.25.50 and 75% alfalfameat in replacement with soybean meal. The experiment lasted 16 weeks after start. Fish were fed onthe experiment diets at a rate of 3 % of the tank biomass. Results obtained are summarized as follows:1-Final weight decreased significantly at substitution levels 50 and 75% ofAlfalfa while the substitution level of 25% released no significant effects onfinal weight compared to the control group.2-The same trend was observed with weight gain daily gain, specific growth rateand condition factor.3-Final body length, protein efficiency ratio, energy efficiency ratio, proteinproductive value, total feed intake; protein intake and energy intake weresignificantly (P<005) decreased as the increase substitution levels of alfafameal in the diets.4-Feed conversion ratio was best for control group, followed the group fed25.0% (T2) alfalfa meal; while groups fed T3 (50%) and T4 (75%) showed theworst feed conversion ratio.5-Insignificant differences were observed for mortality rate of fishes feddifferent levels of alfalfa meal or control group.6-The group fed 25.0 % of alfalfa meal consumed more feed as compared withcontrol or other dietary treatments.7-Insignificant differences were observed for water temperature, pH value forgroups of fishes fed different levels of alfalfa meal, while dissolved oxygenwas significantly (P<0.05) decreased by the increase of substitution levels inthe diets. 8-Ammonium, nitrite and nitrate concentrations mg/L significantly (P<0.05)increased by the increase of alfalfa meal in diets.9-Crude protein was increased in flesh of fish by the increase of alfalfa meal inthe diet; while the opposite trend was observed for ether extract; ash % andgross energy (Kcal/kg) where they decrease as the substitution levels of alfalfameal increased in the diets.10-The profit index was higher for group of fish fed (75.0%) substitution levelin compared with other treatments including control group.
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