
Single-crystalline Nb films are grown on (1120) oriented sapphire substrates by electron-beam evaporation in ultra-high vacuum. The films are studied in-situ by RHEED and Auger analysis. At a substrate temperature TS=750° C the RHEED pattern shows a smooth growth of bcc-Nb in the [110] direction. In addition to the fundamental streaks, we observe superlattice streaks of fractional order in several azimuthal directions. The reciprocal lattice of the surface is determined. The basic vectors of the superlattice in real space are given by b1=2a1, b2=−a1+3a2 where a1 and a2 are the basic vectors of the Nb (110) surface. Auger analysis shows that the surface of these films is contaminated with oxygen. Therefore, the superstructure is attributed to a modified surface structure due to segregated oxygen, possibly having diffused from the sapphire to the film surface. The superstructure dissappears during further evaporation of Nb at TS<450° C with a concomitant decrease of the oxygen signal. Nb films on sapphire with a clean, oxygen-free surface can only be prepared at lower temperatures in an island-growth mode.

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