The primary question of this study is whether OLM and OSLM mechanisms, when used in a digital game, offer higher motivation. Furthermore, the study investigates whether a game’s aesthetics and mechanics support players’ intrinsic motivation. Both claims are tested through the design, implementation and pilot use of the Multiplication Game (MG). MG is a digital learning activity that supports pupils in achieving multiplication competence and provides teacher a dashboard to assess and watch own pupils’ performance. The game enriched with gamification elements to engage and motivate participants. Three versions of the game were used by pupils: without any Open Learner Modeling (OLM) support (i.e. without providing access to own progress data), with OLM support and with Open Social Learner Modeling (OSLM) support, to investigate the difference in motivation among these characteristics. After using the MG for a 2-month period, pupils answered a questionnaire anonymously to express their opinion about MG mechanics, MG aesthetics and intrinsic motivation MG can offer. Furthermore, the corresponding teachers were interviewed to provide insights on their attitude towards MG and its functionalities. A statistically significant difference in Intrinsic Motivation (IM) between the three different MG versions was found and a statistically significant difference in MG Aesthetics and Mechanics between the different grades of primary school. Additionally, Intrinsic Motivation was positively correlated with gamification motivators and MG Aesthetics. Participating teachers stated that MG can improve pupils’ multiplication competence and it is worthy of a stable place in the instructional procedure, as it is a means of pupils’ progress tracking and (self-) assessment, as well as a fun way of practicing and developing multiplication skills.
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