
Two-phase materials are popular in daily life applications due to their desired mechanical properties such as firmness, impact resistance, thermal conductivity, and other long-term durability-related properties. Conductivity related to the thermal approach of any two-phase material is an important parameter to access its performance related to thermal. To evaluate the thermal conductivity (effective) of any two-phase material, researchers across the globe suggest adopting well-defined geometry for the particle, such as cylinder, sphere, or any other random (but definite) particle shape and size. The present study considers two-dimensional two-phase material with a hollow circular configuration to commutate effective thermal conductivity. This study's experimental outcomes for the type mentioned above of two-phase materials were validated and correlated with several primary and commonly available models. This paper includes methods like the unit cell approach used to develop mathematically non-dimensional TC ratio as a function of non-dimensional collocated parameter system for estimation of required. TC of Hollow Circular model having Ψ = 0.3 gives reasonable agreement to predict the effective thermal conductivity having an acceptable average error of 4.49 %.

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