
Abstract Seven cultivars and strains of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) were tested for tolerance to drought and soil acidity and for response to nitrogen fertilization. Plants were grown in ceramic cylinders (with no bottoms) buried to ground level at a field site in Poland. Cylinders contained a gray brown podzolic soil having a medium sandy texture and variable pH due to history of fertilization. Periodic drought (from early budding to late flowering) was imposed by covering the field plots with polythene film. Rainfall excluded by the film was compensated by watering the non‐stressed plants. Based on seed yields, rape cultivars and strains differed significantly in tolerance to drought. ‘Jet Neuf’ was most tolerant and ‘Bolko’ least tolerant. Cultivars also differed significantly in response to N fertilization, with Bolko being the most responsive cultivar tested. Rapeseed yields were generally reduced by 20% at a soil pH of 4.2, compared with pH 6.2 (determined in 1M KC1), but cultivars did n...

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