Abstract: The present paper focused on development ofstructural lightweight concrete by using light weight expandedclay aggregate (LECA) with unit weight of 1700 kg/m3 to 1900kg/m3 and compressive strength of 40 MPa. In this study,investigation was done using LECA as coarse aggregate inconcrete by replacing normal aggregate in three differingvolume fractions i.e., 30%, 40% and 50% with different w/bratios 0.40, 0.50 and 0.60 to produce lightweight expanded clayaggregate concrete (LECAC) with addition of chemicaladmixture. For that, concrete mix design was done using ISmethod and replacement of lightweight aggregate wascalculated based on volume batching. The effect of mineraladmixture (i.e., 10% microsilica) on the properties oflightweight expanded clay aggregate concrete and normalweight aggregate concrete such as workability of freshconcrete, compressive strength and flexural strength ofconcrete were compared. The studies also include the effect ofelevated temperature on light weight expanded clay aggregateconcrete and normal weight aggregate concrete.Index Terms: Normal weight aggregate concrete (NWAC),Light weight expanded clay aggregate (LECA). Light weightexpanded clay aggregate concrete (LECAC), Elevatedtemperature.
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