
Serum samples were collected from 30 piglets, derived from 17 litters, whose dams had been vaccinated against leptospirosis. Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) titres against Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona varied greatly from pig; there was less variation among littermates. Titres declined between 4 and 10 weeks of age, with an uncorrected half-life of 15.5 days, consistent with IgG being the main antibody class involved. Twelve pigs, 4 derived from unvaccinated sows and 8 from sows vaccinated against leptospirosis, were challenged intravenously at 8 weeks of age with leptospires of serovar pomona. Colostrum-derived antibody protected 4 out of 8 pigs, and in 1 of the remaining 4 the serological response was reduced. Three of the protected pigs showed reduced serological responses and in the fourth the response was strong, but delayed. All of the pigs derived from unvaccinated sows developed leptospiraemia and leptospiruria and showed strong serological responses. Protection by colostrum-derived antibody bore an inexact relationship to MAT titre, but a titre of 16 appeared to be sufficient for protection.

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