
AbstractThe infiltration process is important in the planning and management of irrigation systems. This study was performed in Mazandaran province, Iran, to compare the effect of magnetized and non‐magnetized irrigation water on cumulative infiltration and final infiltration rate of three soil textures. Magnetized water was obtained by passing the water through a strong permanent magnet installed on a feed pipeline. The results showed that the effects of soil texture and magnetized irrigation water on cumulative water infiltration and final infiltration rate was significant (P < 0.01). Cumulative water infiltration and final infiltration rates with magnetized water were greater than that of non‐magnetized water. The cumulative water infiltration rate after 4 h for magnetized and non‐magnetized water was 26.4 and 12.7 cm in clay soil, 37.6 and 20 cm in silty loam soil and 40.8 and 29.3 cm in sandy loam soil, respectively. The final infiltration rates after 4 h for magnetized and non‐magnetized water were 0.05 and 0.023 cm/min in clay soil, 0.063 and 0.036 cm/min in silty loam soil and 0.076 and 0.046 cm/min in sandy loam soil, respectively. Therefore, magnetized irrigation water had most effect on the infiltration capacity of clay soil.

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