
Different wavelengths of light are associated with various functions in plant development. Plants have a range of photoreceptors to detect these wavelengths. The changes in the light quality (wavelength) influences various physiological processes such as intra and inter-cellular differentiation, Different sources of light seem to be affected differently on different growth stages of plants. Light Emitting Diode (LED) colour spectrum, fluorescent tube light, High intensity discharge (HID) lamps and transparent shading are some of examples of source of colour of light on plants. Experiments that conducted on seed germination of different plant under different light colour have showed different effects on germination. There is a high variation of seedling height of tomato under different colour transparent shading. Ascorbic acid content in tomato fruit is significantly high under yellow, green and colourless shading. We can propose green and red shading on tomato plant is more important for healthy lycopene rich fruit production than direct high intensity light. Pericarp thickness is one of the most valuable character of fruit, which important for postharvest life, was significantly high under green shading.

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