
Field experiments were conducted at Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai during rice fallow season 2013 and 2014 to evaluate the effect of irrigation, varieties and nutrient management for maximizing yield in rice fallow black gram. The experiments were laid out in split plot design with three replications. The main plot treatments comprised of irrigation (one supplemental irrigation at 25 DAS and no irrigation) and black gram varieties (ADT 3 and LBG 752) and nutrient management practices (Foliar spray of 2% DAP on 30 and 45 DAS, Pulse wonder at 5 kg/ha on 35 DAS and 1% 19:19:19 complex on 25 DAS fb 2% urea on 35 DAS, 2% urea phosphate on 35-40 DAS, soil application of DAP at 50 kg/ha to the standing paddy at the time of last irrigation and control) were assigned to sub plots. The results revealed that the rice fallow black gram given with one supplemental irrigation at 25 DAS recorded higher growth, yield attributes, yield, net return and BC ratio than no irrigation. Black gram variety LBG 752 registered higher plant height compared to ADT 3. However, yield attributes and yield were higher with ADT 3 whereas it was comparable with LBG 752. ADT 3 registered the highest net return and BC ratio than LBG 752. Foliar application of various nutrient sources performed similarly with respect to growth, yield attributes and yield of black gram. However, soil application of DAP 50 kg /ha during last irrigation to the standing paddy recorded higher net return and BC ratio followed by foliar application of 2% DAP on 30 and 45 DAS. Hence, black gram variety ADT 3 or LBG 752 given with one supplemental irrigation at 25 DAS followed by foliar application of 2% DAP at 30 and 45 DAS or soil application of DAP at 50 kg/ha to the standing paddy at the time of last irrigation could be recommended for getting higher productivity under rice fallow condition.

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