
The field trial was conducted during the Kharif 2019 on the research farm of TCA Dholi at the Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University Pusa campus in Samastipur (Bihar). The test was conducted in Factorial RBD and to investigate Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) growth, yield and subsequent soil fertility in Middle Gangetic Plains of India. There was 8 treatment including 3 fertilizer levels (75, 100 and 125% RDF), 2 organic manure (control and FYM @ 5 tha-1), 3 biofertilizer level (rhizobium, nutrient mobilizer, rhizobium+ nutrient mobilizer) and interaction with each other, treatments were randomly assigned in three replicates. The application of 125% RDF resulting higher plant height (33.67cm), more dry matter accumulation (5.56 g) and crop growth rate (6.73 g day-1m-2), Grain yield (10.78qt ha-1) and gave higher gross return (65874 ₹ha-1), net return (38883 ₹ha-1) and BC ratio (1.44) as well as more soil NPK contain in F3 treatment but statistically at par plant height (31.45cm), dry matter accumulation (5.06g) and crop growth rate (6.08), Grain yield (10.73qt ha-1) and gross return (65702 ₹ha-1), net return (39396 ₹ha-1) and BC ratio (1.48) as well as soil NPK observed in F2-100% RDF where addition of organic manure increase plant height (31.64cm), more dry matter accumulation (5.26 g) and crop growth rate (6.38 g day-1m-2), Grain yield (11.2 qt ha-1) and gross return (68399 ₹ha-1), net return (38007 ₹ha-1) and BC ratio (1.24) as well as soil NPK in FYM treatment @ 5 tha-1 over control. In Biofertilizer observed higher plant height (32.32 cm), more dry matter accumulation (5.44g) and crop growth rate (6.56 gday-1 m-2), Grain yield (10.26qt ha-1) and gross return (62837 ₹ha-1), net return (36508 ₹ha-1) and BC ratio (1.36) and soil NPK in rhizobium + nutrient mobilizer treatment.

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