
Critical thinking skills are one of competence that students need to face challenges in 21st century. Many learning models that can be applied to develop students’ critical thinking skills, one of them using 7E Learning Cycle. However, context of relating to daily life with each of 7E Learning Cycle stages is often, only placed at elicit stage and rarely discussed further into later stages. Therefore, 7E Learning Cycle needs to be combined with an approach that connect concepts in material with actual problems in daily life. One of it is; science, environment, technology, and society (SETS). SETS is raised at stages of 7E Learning Cycle, namely elicit, engagement, explanation, elaboration, and extend. It is intended that concepts that have been constructed by students will be directly related to how science is packaged in the form of technology and related to impact that may arise on environment and society. In addition, it’s able to highlight process skills of analyzing, synthesizing, and decisions making on problem-solving solutions. Thus, it is expected to improve students’ critical thinking skills. This study aims to determine the effect of integration of SETS in 7E Learning Cycle on students’ critical thinking skills in electrochemical cell. The research design used quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test in two classes. Experimental class was taught by integration of SETS in 7E Learning Cycle, while control class was taught only by 7E Learning Cycle in same subject, namely electrochemical cell. The results showed that there is an effect of integration of SETS in 7E Learning Cycle on students’ critical thinking skills in the topic of electrochemical cell. It is reinforced by average post-test scores of students’ critical thinking skills taught by integration of SETS in 7E Learning Cycle (84.07) higher than classes taught only by 7E Learning Cycle (79.07).

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