
The study was conducted to examine the effect of inorganic NPK fertilizer on production of Camellia sinensis in Ruhaija Village Burere sub-county Buhweju District. The study was guided by four specific objectives including an analysis of the social economic characteristics of farmers; identifying the constraints faced during tea growing; determining the impact of fertilizers on profitability of tea and the effect of inorganic fertilizers on growth and yields of tea. The goal of applying fertilizers is to provide crops with nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, which allow crops to grow bigger, faster, and to produce more output. The study employed a case study research design with intention of providing in depth investigation of underling effect between the variables under study and both quantitative and qualitative data was employed. The study used purposive and random sampling methods hence using questionnaires and interview guides in collecting data. The study findings indicated that the major source of income among the respondents was subsistence farming (40%) and in relation to N, P, K fertilizer use, the majority of the farmers use it alongside organic fertilizers due to its high cost. While the major reasons as to why people would choose tea growing with fertilizers is that it increases on their yields hence increase in income. The study concluded that farmers should integrate in organic NPK fertilizer with organic fertilizers to achieve high yields with lower costs.

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